Health & Safety

Marley Group is a leading manufacturer and supplier of roofing materials in the United Kingdom, and a roofing installation company within Scotland. The Marley Group recognise that health and safety form a vital part of its business performance and is a key responsibility of all employees. In operating its business in a safe manner, Marley group will prevent injury and ill health wherever is reasonably practicable by:

  • Committing to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health.
  • Committing to the elimination and reduction of H&S hazards and risks by following the hierarchy of control.
  • Ensuring that employees are aware of the associated risks and hazard of the activities carried out; supported by training and education to enable them to work safely.
  • Safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of interested parties on our sites and offices i.e. customers, contractors, visitors, and the public.
  • Making available appropriate safety devices and personal protective equipment and ensuring their use is specified and monitored.
  • Ensuring that facilities and arrangements are in place to provide for employee’s welfare at work.
  • Committing to regularly reviewing our performance and providing a framework for setting objectives to eliminate and reduce occupational health & safety risks in our business activity.
  • Committing to comply fully with all applicable legal and other requirements and continually seeking cost effective ways of improving health and safety performance.
  • Committing to the continual improvement of the company occupational health and safety management system.

Marley is aware that employees also have legal duties and responsibilities to themselves and others to work safely. We are committed to actively consult and seek the involvement and participation of all employees and worker representatives in safety related matters.

This Policy will be subject to a regular review to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Marley Group operates an externally accredited Health & Safety Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 45001 as a minimum.

Although the responsibility for developing the Policy rests with the Board, its success requires the continuing commitment of all employees. Following this Policy and associated Standards is a condition of employment and a criterion for career development.

Susan Barclay

MD   14/06/24