Turner House

Acme Double Camber

An ex seaman's mission in Liverpool, Turner House and is a building recorded in the national heritage list for England.

All in the detail

It was given new life as a care home using Acme Double Camber Clay Plain Tiles in Dark Brindle for its roofing needs.

A truly unique double camber profile that accentuates the light and shade throughout each day. Plain tiles made from clay have been used to cover roofs in Britain for over eight hundred years and they form much of the character of the roofs seen in the South East of England and the Midlands, where the largest deposits of clay are located.

Our extensive range contains colour texture and camber options which meet the aesthetic and performance demands of all types of roofing applications.



  • Acme Double Camber Clay Plain Tile



  • Residential, Healthcare



  • Liverpool - North


Close up on Acme Double Camber Dark Brindle
Mixed Colors Marley Clay Plain Tile