A couple of the objectives of the new CH Group development, which includes Highgrove Apartments, included meeting the client’s demand for a meaningful guarantee to protect the roof in the future, and ensuring the inclusion of a sustainable solar PV solution on the roofscape to help residents access sustainable energy sources.
Marley’s technical team calculated that a total of 60 Solar panels would be required to deliver the power output to support the 16 apartments and specified the inclusion of 6,000 Edgemere tiles for the roof. The calculations considered the roof elevations and the best way to achieve the optimum energy generation outcomes.
David Fraser, Estimator and Contracts Manager at John Fraser Roofing Ltd, commented: “The client was clear about wanting the ongoing protection of a long-term guarantee associated with the roofing design and installation. When they also factored in the specification of solar PV alongside the Edgemere interlocking slate roof tile, we knew that working with Marley would be ideal to provide the quality, assurance and technical support required on this project.”