Birch Grove

Marley SolarTile®

Marley’s SolarTile® has been specified on a prestigious award-winning residential housing development.

All in the detail

The project saw the demolition of previously derelict outbuildings at Birch Grove in Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, transformed into three multi-million-pound luxury new-build eco homes.  

The architectural vision was driven by developer, Millbank Group and its founder Paul Higgs, and combined a traditional farmhouse aesthetic with a range of renewable technologies to create sustainable net-zero homes for the new owners. 

Helping to deliver the sought after low carbon homes has seen the specification of Marley’s SolarTile® on the roofs to provide access to low cost and renewable energy generation that meets the power needs of the three new properties.   

Marley has worked closely with the project’s developers to support them through the product selection process, as well as offering expert technical guidance on-site as the first of the 110 Solar panels were installed. 



  • Marley SolarTile®


  • Residential 


  • Millbank Group


  • South
Marley Solar panels installed on a sustainable housing plot
Tim Nicoll from Marley commented: “The development at Birch Grove has transformed previously derelict land into highly attractive and sustainable housing solutions that enhance the locality. The desire to utilise renewable technologies such as solar PV on the roofscape was central to the creation of what are stand-out eco homes.” 

Following initial discussions with the development team, Marley worked hard to make the case for the inclusion of the Marley SolarTile®. Potential concerns around water tightness on the roof and achieving the required power output via the panels were allayed through the final roof and fixing specification proposed by Marley. 

Tim Nicoll continues: “The site needed to generate around 30 to 40 kilowatts of power and through our calculations we established that 110 Solar panels across the three property roofs would create enough sustainable energy for the entire development. The ability of Marley SolarTile® to be installed as part of a fully integrated roofing system also added to the benefits the product solution could deliver.” 

“We had to think outside of the box”, says Tim, “to create a seamless and high performing aesthetic that combined the Marley SolarTile®, metal sheeting and clay tiles. Our technical team produced a robust roofing and fixing specification, including working around dormers, windows and roof lights. 

“This included addressing specific concerns about water tightness between the SolarTile® and the metal sheeting. We were able to demonstrate how both products would work together perfectly, addressing any concerns.  I know the client is delighted with the roofing finish and performance of the solar panels.” 
Whilst the technical specification and sample services underpinned the planning and pre-build processes, Marley also invested time and resources into supporting the Marley SolarTile® installation phase for the development owner.   

As a prime example, Marley experts provided training support for the on-site installation team so that the contractors could fully understand the simple methodology behind the Marley SolarTile® installation, including the easy-to-follow colour coding for all components in the system. 

Tim Nicoll says: “As well as the pre-installation training for roofers who had not worked with solar PV before, we also made sure we were present on site as the solar panels were installed on the first roof at the development. In addition to offering guidance and a reassuring presence, we were able to support on challenges such as marrying the flashing with the edge of the integrated Solar panel to produce a watertight seal. We also re-visited the site later in the installation phase to double check the fitting standards were being maintained, and we were delighted to see that they were.”  

Paul Higgs, founder, The Millbank Group, comments: “We are extremely proud of the three stunning eco farmhouses we have developed at Birch Grove. We had a strong sustainability vision for the project. Marley’s technical expertise and ongoing specification and installation support across the build was invaluable. The integrated Marley SolarTile® panels on the roof not only look good, but they were also easy to install and are now delivering the renewable and cost-effective energy generation solution we were seeking.”  

Birch Grove now boasts three stunning eco homes, designed for a sustainable future and to mitigate impact on the environment. The seamless specification and installation of Marley’s’ SolarTile® - as part of a holistic renewable system response - has been central to the eye-catching development’s success and subsequent attraction to climate aware purchasers.   
Marley Solar panels installed on a eco house build